Pre Launch SEO strategy for websites.

Pre Launch SEO strategy for websites.

Typically most of business owners face some sort of difficulty when it comes to using their website to meet their business goal. This is the time, when they think about hiring a SEO consultant’s services. In real world situation, one of the biggest mistakes most of them commit is they just create a website which will be a replica of their corporate brochure. Businesses just identify a domain name and then they buy it and create a website with their products and services details in it.Having a Pre launch SEO strategy will help you to plan few factors which will ultimately help your future optimization activities more structured.

Technically speaking a website is up, when you buy a domain and hired a hosting service. Problem arises when it come to optimizing your website for search engines. Most of the time businesses do not acknowledge the fact that SEO is a long term and continuous process. They want their sites to rank in SERP’s from the first month itself, which is impossible by following search engines approved white hat techniques.

For instance Google consider more than 200 factors to rank a particular URL for users search query and page rank is just one among them. Majority of them cannot be influenced, but at the same time, few factors which can negatively impact the business can be reduced if proper planning has been done before the website development itself. Moreover search engine algorithms keep on changing and it’s not worth spending time, money and effort chasing them. Instead create content which will engage your end user or prospect and take them through the conversion funnel.

Pre Launch SEO strategy for your website.

  1. Target Group – Clear definition and understanding, will help you to find out your TG’s digital consumption.
  • How – Desktop / Tablet / Mobile.
  • Which Platforms – Search, Social (Formal-LinkedIn/Informal-Facebook )
  • Why – Is it for product reviews, customer support, product comparison, after sales support.
  1. Identify keywords used by your TG, to find your product or service.
  2. Shortlist important keywords which will drive your most wanted prospects traffic. Classify it based on most important, high/low competition, etc.
  3. Do competitor analysis; understand for which keywords they are ranking, and check the strength of back links and content.
  4. Identify a SEO friendly domain name. Plan about the architecture of website, with importance to user experience. Like most searched content in easily navigable location.
  5. Well thought out-Title / Description / URL. (Even though it is possible to change at a later stage).
  6. One page per targeted keyword with, keyword optimized unique content which should persuade your visitor to give your most wanted response and a crisp call to action.
  7. Create a content strategy for blog, which will help to plan which topic should go live and also on back linking opportunities.
  8. If you have brick and mortar stores or you have business interest in a specific location, do provide provision to do local seo and Google business listing also.

Failing to perform an pre launch SEO strategy of a website can lead to disadvantages in costs and performance. SEO will only get you organic ranking and traffic, converting a visitor into customer is the duty of conversion optimization. Also when you use various options like videos to increase visitor engagement and interaction, please keep a check on your page website speed also. Research shows that every extra second it takes for site download will attract 16% dissatisfaction.Did you had a strategy in place, if yes how differently you did that.Please share it with us through the comment box.